Friday, November 8, 2013

Next Stop: Africa ..... supposedly.... ?? omg.

If you would have told me in July that I'd be writing a new blog by November, I woulda slapped you and told you to sit down. But alas.

 What the heck is happening in my life right now? What the actual heck. Heckkkkkkkk.

Ya'll, I think I'm going to Guinea. Guinea is a country in West Africa. I think I'm going there.

My brain has been all over the place today.... It's as if I haven't been working on these plans since I was in the airport waiting to board my return flight home from Brazil 3 months ago.... But I guess today has been the first day that I have felt this whole thing was SERIOUS. For REAL real. Not just 'in the works' or 'being talked about'. I've teared up three times today. My heart was pounding as soon as I gained consciousness early this morning. The following is the greatest sentence I have ever read in my entire lifetime:

Ignore those last two words. Focus on the sentence. Did you read it? Does it say what I'm thinking that it says, or am I in some sort of dreaming coma drunken fantasy land?

That sentence was snipped out of a letter Dr. Tetsuro Matsuzawa wrote. I'm required to send the letter to the Guinean embassy in D.C. so that I can get a visa to enter the country. He sent it to me late last night. This sentence is what caused my tear ducts act inappropriately in classrooms today.

I haven't gotten my visa yet.... and I haven't bought the plane tickets yet. So technically... you know. But shh, don't say it.

What is this? Some sort of monkey-human?

Quick Facts:  I'm getting on a plane the day after I graduate from college next month. I will be gone for almost exactly one month. I'm traveling with people I don't know. I'm navigating airports by myself. Guineans speak French. I do not speak French.

Shout outs:
   Allison Howard- Like I told you earlier today, you're my Louis Leakey and my best friend. All of this is your fault.
   Dr. Doree Fragaszy- I have no idea why you like me when you know good and well that all I did was lay in the hammock this summer ;-).
   Mom and Dad- Nice knowing you!

I've been thinking all day something along the lines of, "My dreams are coming true." But... honestly, these weren't my dreams. I was too scared to make my dreams this big.

Here is where I will post things about this trip. I post blogs to keep my family and friends updated, as well as to document my thoughts and feelings. I don't wanna forget anything that happens to me. 

I can't wait to see what kinds of ants live in Africa.....

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