Monday, December 23, 2013

Cold water and chimp dung

It just so happens that I can allow myself one new Beyonce video per night! Glory Bey to Thee!! I just sat down to write up a schedule because I thought I was going to has to limit myself... lol but uh no, there are plenty. Rejoice! 


It's been about two hours since I wrote that paragraph above. Tonight I got to watch the "Flawless" video. GOOSEBUMPS. Amazing. Beyonce is the best female pop artist there ever was or ever will be. I'm close to putting her on Michael Jackson's level. That video/song is so HARD. So feministic. So strong and inspiring. Y'all already know that Rihanna is my girl. But, let's be real- RiRi better not get it twisted. 

Secret about Leigh Anna: She LOVES pop culture. She loves what it does to us. 


Why don't we talk about what I do on a daily basis! Keep in mind, I've only been here for a few days.

I wake up at 6:00am so that I can be ready at precisely 6:30am to walk up a mountain. Don't forget to pack the snacks! I actually pack my bag and get ready for the next day as soon as I get back from the day's work. This eliminates forgetting most things!

It is pitch black dark and -400 degrees when I wake up. Headlamp: ON. 
I keep a large water bottle filled with water next to my bed so that I can brush my teeth and take my supplements. We also have to keep that toilet bucket of water filled... A total hassle! 

I usually eat a large piece of French bread for breakfast. I will dip it in peanut butter (thanks Anne!) or eat it with a banana. Tell my sweet dietician that there is no need to worry about my potassium levels; I eat bananas alllllll day. 

Then, I gear up and head out! We usually have about 5 or so guides with us. They lead us up the mountain. I'll be honest- I've been struggling with that mountain. Some of you with large lung capacities may call it a hill >>. Anyways, we climb it. The past two days, we've had to RUSH up it because halfway up we heard the chimps! That means they're close! We have to set up all the cameras and make sure they have enough nuts/water! Quick! I definitely break a sweat.

If we know the chimpanzees are close, we will quickly set up and man our posts along the palm frond wall. If we're not too sure where the chimps are, we will set up and sit down by our respective trees. Today, a guide cut down two palm fronds for me to lay down on my sitting area. This was a major upgrade that significantly reduced the amount of dirt I wallowed in. Thanks! 

Here we will sit for hours. I'm not kidding. HOURS. I usually talk Cat's head off or ask her millions of questions about academia/primates. I've been writing blogs and reading a lot too. (OH- you're curious about what I'm reading? I'll tell you! I'm reading a book written [partially] by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama called, "My Spiritual Journey!") Maybe a quick French or Manon lesson. Or one time I napped. But basically, we just wait until the chimps come to us. But have no fear! They DO come! And when they do- we get up to investigate! I don't have a camera, so I merely observe the cavemen. The others film specific aspects of their behavior from different angles. It isn't anything crazy. I just keep an eye out for cool stone manipulations. I always pray that the babies will show up!

Sometimes when the chimps enter or exit the observation area, the alpha male, Jeje, will walk RIGHT BEHIND US. With no care. He just walks straight through our little clearing. I have to get sneaky to take pictures of him doing this... We aren't allowed to look straight at him. Probably because he will feel frightened and then eat us. Blah.

We may hear on the walkie-talkies that the chimps are heading towards the salon! In this case- we pack up and RUN down the mountain to beat them there! I like going down the mountain fast. It's kind of like Temple Run. Except, this is real life and ankle fractures are a serious threat in real life. 

Most days we head home at around 5pm. When we get home- I go straight to the snacks aka bananas. Then, we upload videos or transfer notes or whatever other business. I try to shower before I cool off... Otherwise- the chilling ground water from the washing bucket will freeze your heart solid. Ouch. ProTip: Breathe all of the air out of your lungs before pouring the cold water onto your body. This greatly reduces the pain and whimpering.

Like I said, I like to pack up my bag for the next day at this time. Then- free time! Then, a not-so-tasty supper :-/. Whatever. Maria, te amo. 

THEN I LAY DOWN, YA'LL! This has turned into such a boring post. Oh my gosh. It's 8:39pm and I've been in bed since 8:00. Who cares? What else do I have to do!? Stalk you guys on Instagram like usual?? NO! I can't waste my precious internet on that! 
"Leigh Anna... What!? You have Internet?!"

Oops!? Did I say that? Ugh. Fine. I have a tiny bit of Internet. It's reserved for blogs, though. So don't expect me to poke you back on the Facebook. 

Quick shoutout to my boy Jacob who better be doing 100+ push-ups in his bed whilst sleeping every single night. OOO KILL EM! 

Aside: Tomorrow is my last day of Flaming Hot Cheetos... I'm so sad. I'm also impressed with myself for letting them last this long! I bet Olivia couldn't do that...!! Ha! 

Today I saw a dung beetle. I told two of my best friends that I would cry if I saw a dung beetle here. I didn't cry because Cat was right there... But just know that I was so joyful. I didn't get to see him rolling the chimp dung across the way, but I still did see him! I have pics. 

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