Sunday, December 22, 2013


And now we get to know why in the world I'm even here!!!! Yay! All of our questions will now be answered! 

Just kidding. I still don't know exactly why I'm here. Kinda. Originally I was hired to run the cameras that film the stone tool use of these famous chimps. During the dry season (now) Matsuzawa and his team have been documenting the development of stone tool use in the chimps of Bossou for decades. It was originally MY job to film this for Misato Hayashi who is out with a sweet new cute Japanese baybay. However, things have changed.

Yesterday, to sum up, Matsuzawa said, "Leigh Anna, I have changed my mind. Now, I am teacher, you are student." 
This kind of made it seem like I'm his little apprentice. Uh, cool. AMAZING. Incredible. Matsu- just talk to me! Just tell me things! I want to hear and learn and know all the things! 

He also said that I will be Cat's assistant. AND he said that she and I have free reign over whatever experiments we want to do. He said, "Cat is senior, Leigh Anna is junior." Which meant that I should use Cat for guidance. I'm really good at asking for guidance. Cat knows so much, so I'm excited to work with her!! She also reminds me of my very good friend Cammie. And she looks exactly like Wynona Rider.  

Cat is hoping to pilot some gesture studies here this month. She is here to scope out the scene and to see if there is a possibility of continuing some of her work here. 

I am now hoping to find something cool too look at that I could then compare to Dr. Fragaszy's capuchins. I just want Dr. Fragaszy to LIKE ME and REMEMBER ME and to THINK IM SMART! Ok!? But, it seems like most everything possible about nut cracking has already been studied here! That's how I feel, anyway. But, I've kind of been stuck on the idea of looking at the hammer/anvil manipulation. Trial and error? Intentional? Comfortable? Does it matter? Environmental constraints/supports? Lol that may not make any sense whatsoever to you... But it does in my head- I SWEAR.

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