Sunday, December 22, 2013

The conference

The conference was pretty neat... Even though I was very nervous about participating. We all filled the little school room and waited for the presentations to start. Dr. Matsuzawa and his important people all sat up at the front.

Conference/symposium/workshop- all of these words were used equally. 

I was scheduled to talk way later in the day. Lol I was very happy for this. 

Each person spoke... But GEEZ we had a language problem!! French or English or a serious accent constantly prevented a portion of the attendees from understanding. Plus, it took forever when we included translations! It was such a hassle. But I guess this hassle comes with having an international conference.

We had lunch and everyone chitchatted. All of the talks were on different subjects and all were interesting! Then we had another break to have coffee aka to wake up all the old people.

Then it was my turn to talk! I was the youngest participant and the only American. AND I knew no French. Cat was very nice to help translate after each slide. This took some of the pressure off because I could relax for 15 seconds before I had to speak again. In all- I rocked it. I freakin rocked it wtf. And for those of you who know how freaked out I was about going this talk- Shut up! Ok!? You were right! But still!! I was scared! Using a laser pointer during a talk that you're very nervous about is a no-no. No one needs to see how bad I'm shaking. Luckily, after just a few slides, I was totally cool.

Matsuzawa spoke right after me. As we were transitioning in the front of the room, he sincerely complemented my presentation. 
:-O whaaaaat. Thanks, bro! 

Some of Kat's girls also complemented me. This made me feel really happy. IM TELLING YOU- I almost passed out when I found out that I had to do this. It's crazy to think it turned out ok when a week ago I KNEW I was going to blow it!

So for that- a big shout out to my dad, my Allison, my Anne, my Natalie, and my Kelli for the support. 

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